Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Packaging Research

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The design agency behind this packaging is Romanian based Ampro Design with art and illustrations by Alin Patru. The packaging design was released in March 2013 and is for the chocolate brand Spria. 

The artists have used watercolour paints to create lifelike floral imagery incorporating additional artwork to depict the flavour of each  bar, for example honey and nuts. Additional detail such as butterflies and bees help the package maintain its natural feel. This style they use creates a very attractive and feminine quality, appealing to their female target audience. The pale background colour of the package allows the artwork and lettering to stand out clearly on the shelf against its competition, which is very important in such a saturated market.

03 20 13 spria 6The Spria logo has been designed to resemble liquid chocolate, allowing the lettering to flow and curve in an elegant manner. In addition, a crown has been included in the logo to emphasise the luxurious nature of the product. The overall package design definitely stands out and is unique among its competitors. Its target audience is clearly defined with a strong feel of quality being portrayed.